News & Stories


Duane Boning named vice provost for international activities

With extensive international outreach experience as a faculty member and program leader, Boning brings a spirit of curiosity and collaboration to his new role.

News & Stories Filtered BY

The catalyzing potential of J-WAFS seed grants

“A seed grant for a risky idea that is mission-driven goes a long way.”  These are the words of Fadel Adib, an associate professor of media arts and sciences and of electrical engineering and computer science and a 2019 recipient of a two-year seed grant from the Abdul Latif Jameel Water and Food Systems Lab […]

Space for all is this student’s goal

The latest NASA rover, scheduled to land on Mars tomorrow after traveling more than six months in interplanetary space, is carrying with it a special instrument called MOXIE. About the size of a car battery, MOXIE will inhale carbon dioxide from the Martian atmosphere and transform it into a breath of oxygen. That’s the plan, […]

World Water Day Video Competition: MIT Research for a Water Secure Future

March 22nd is World Water Day, an international day launched by the United Nations to advocate for sustainable water use and equitable water access and inspire people to take action for clean water. J-WAFS is joining this effort through a student video competition and online festival to showcase the exciting water sector research and innovation […]

Call for Proposal: J-WAFS Solutions Program

The J-WAFS Solutions program aims to help MIT researchers commercialize breakthrough technologies and inventions by transforming promising ideas at MIT into innovative products and cutting-edge spinout companies. ($150,000 per year, one year.) J-WAFS Solutions has the mission of moving water and food technologies from labs t MIT into the commercial world, where they will improve […]

MIT Graduate Fellowship Opportunity: 2021 CIS Summer Study Fellowship

Doctoral students may apply for summer support for dissertation research or writing that has an international component. Support may be requested either for fieldwork and/or archival research, or for home-based research and write-up. Grants will not exceed $3,500. The main criteria for determining which proposals will be funded are: 1 – the importance of the research question and the quality […]

Call for proposal: Science of Sustainable Cities

The National Research Foundation (NRF) in Singapore has launched a call for proposal on “Science of Sustainable Cities”. The deadline for the White paper submission is 31 March 2021, 11.59 pm (Singapore Standard Time). The Grant Call Application Guide and White paper Template are found here.  Detailed information on the grant call, including the thematic scope and application […]

Reducing inequality across the globe and on campus

At a young age, Orisa Coombs pledged to use her engineering knowledge to reduce inequality. The summer after her first year of high school, she found herself grappling with the harsh realities of systemic racism after the death of Michael Brown. Brown’s death altered Coombs’ world view and reshaped how she approached her own role […]

Connecting machines in remote regions

On Nov. 26, seven fishermen aboard a small fishing boat off the coast of Maharashtra in western India were struck with panic when their vessel was damaged and began to sink. The panic was warranted: The boat was too far from shore to radio for help. Tens of thousands of fishermen find themselves in a […]

Reductions in CFC-11 emissions put ozone recovery back on track

A potent ozone-depleting chemical whose emissions unexpectedly spiked in recent years has quickly dropped back to much lower levels, putting the recovery of the stratospheric ozone layer back on track, according to a new study by scientists at MIT, the University of Bristol, and other institutions in South Korea, the U.S., Japan, Australia, and Switzerland. […]

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